Computer Based Training

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The advantange and disadvantages to of computer based training. Computer-based training (CBT) is also sometimes referred to as computer-assisted learning or computer assisted instruction. Regardless of the name used, computer-based training delivers training and instruction with a computer instead of through a human instructor. There are several advantage using this method. First, it is cost effective. Initial costs of setting up a computer-based training center can be expensive, particularly if you choose to create a customized system. According to Penn State Staff, less expensive pre-made training systems are available, and many can be customized for your company needs. Aside from those initial setup costs, computer-based training can provide a company with a 24-hour trainer that has virtually unlimited simultaneous student capacity. Trainees usually do not have the added expense of traveling for training, and a computer-based system can be customized to focus on individual sections of the material needed by each person that is being trained. Next, flexible and comfortable. Computer-based training allows trainees to work at their own learning pace and style, both of which can be adjusted to match the individual needs of each trainee. Computer-based training is non-threatening and non-judgmental while providing immediate feedback as the training progresses. The immediate interactive feedback of the computer based training system allows trainees to review sections of the material as frequently as needed, privately and without feeling embarrassed by mistakes. Another advantage of CBT is the increased knowledge retention. It affords to students. Content retention is increased by engaging multiple senses such as auditory, visual, and kinesthetic during the learning process. Well-designed CBT may incorporate full-color animation, product simulation and
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