Complementary Therapies Essay

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Assignment Cover Sheet Name: Mufida Nazmeen Nisha Address: 4/13 Fifth Avenue, Whangarei Student ID Number : 2010001981 Module name: Nursing Concepts and Legislation Assignment Title: Describe the health benefits of three complementary therapies Tutor Name: Karen Wilkinson Date Submitted: 15. 09.2010 Statement of Academic Performance: Attachment of this cover sheet to the assignment certifies the following: a) The work presented in this assignment is my own. b) I wrote the entire assignment. c) I have not used other people’s work except where acknowledged by citation and references. STUDENT ID: 2010001981 Introduction Complementary therapies are healing techniques which can be used together with conventional medical methods. As with any conventional medicine, the goal of complementary therapy is to promote well- being. This essay will outline three complementary therapies. These are Massage therapy, Aromatherapy and Reflexology. Discussion will be based on the benefits of each therapy followed by evidence based examples. Massage Therapy Massage involves the use of hand strokes like kneading, rubbing and tapping on the whole body or just on a particular area of the body (Crisp & Taylor, 2009). Massage therapy requires the use of massage oil or lotion which is applied externally to the skin using special techniques. The health benefits of massage therapy can lead to improved blood circulation, relieved muscle tension and increased flexibility and mobility (Crisp & Taylor, 2009). According to Rethink (as cited in Baker & Brownsword, 2008) massage produces chemical changes in the brain that decreases the production level of stress hormones such as adrenalin which may cause depression in some people, hence keeping people calm and relaxed. Wallcraft (as cited in Baker & Brownsword, 2008)

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