Comparison Of Austrian And Pk Theories

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Compare and contrast Austrian and Post-Keynesian theories of the competitive process. According to economics there are different schools of thought that lead to numerous assumptions about the workings of economics for the period. There are many school of thoughts for economics. These include the neoclassical theory (standard theory), the Austrian approach, Post-Keynesian approach and the Schumpeterian approach. These approaches are all part of the way in which the international economies work. There are different basic principles, on which the analysis of all economic problems are based and due to which the whole of the distinction between the schools lie. These include that there are different historical roots of each school. In this essay we will be discussing the by comparing and contrasting both the Austrian approach and the Post-Keynesian approach with regards to the theories of competitive process and entrepreneurial activities. Firstly the Austrian approach will be described with regards to the theory and history to it and then the Post-Keynesian approach. In the end we will concluding with a clear distinction and the elements that lead to the both these theories to be distinctive in nature to each other. Although both theories have different paths but we will be able to specify ways in which these can benefit. The mainstream microeconomics provides and interprets the real world markets. The markets consist of agents whose decisions perfectly coincide to the maximization decision. For this there is the need for different schools of thoughts to look into the supply and demand of each level. The doctrines that comprise the Austrian school of economics have varied and the relative position of the school within the mainstream of economic thought has moved from the center to the fringe several times throughout the 130 years of its history. The Austrian approach
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