Comparison/Contrast Single and Married Life

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single and married life Introduction You want to be alone or to be with someone? It is a frequently asked question that involves adults. We are used of dreaming having a romantic story and happy ending tale with someone we love, but the most important thing in a person’s life is being happy and contented in his current status. It is a personal choice to be single or to have a family of your own. No one really knows the reason why people seek to find a partner in life. Maybe its love or maybe it’s just natural for everyone look for someone to spend the rest of our life with. Being single so you can mingle As we start to mingle with the opposite sex and we became so conscious of how the way we look, we dress and act in front of the society, we find ourselves looking for a potential partner in life. We appreciate beauty and admire those whom we think is beautiful for us. We keep on searching for someone to love but in contrast, we enjoy being free. The most important thing of being single is being free of what things we would like to do and how we are going to do it. We can spend our money on anything we want without consulting a partner or thinking about the financial needs of our children. Many people prefer to be single by choice because of this reason. They also engage themselves into relationships but they don’t end up marrying their partners. In this modern times, when many of us have liberal thinking, having a partner does not mean that we have to be in marriage. Liberal thinkers tend to collect a couple or a dozen partners and select who is the right one for them. It is called “collect and select” attitude. Having choices is better than forcing ourselves to one thing we don’t really enjoy. The greatest thing in life is having choices of whatever things that will make us happy. We have marriage at the back of our minds, but if you enjoy being single,

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