Comparison between "The Test" and a sport feature article

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The texts, a short story called “The Test” by Njabulo Nolebele in 1983 (Text 1a) and a sports feature article in New York Times on-line edition on the 4th December in 2005 (Text 1b) both present the sport of football, but with distinct approaches. Text 1a is an expressive and emotional piece. It mainly shows the thoughts of Thoba and he is deciding whether he should go home or not as rain may come soon. By showing Thoba’s hesitation, later his decision reveals his passion towards football. In contrast, text 1b is a factual and global piece. It explains how the game of the World Cup works and tells the history of different countries’ teams. Therefore, both texts have different purposes, Text 1a from a personal perspective whereas Text 1b from an international aspect, in conveying the sport of football. Text 1a uses sensory images to reveal the thought of Thoba whereas Text 1b uses the lists of names and dates to demonstrate the sport of football. Text 1a instantly creates a sensory image in the first line, “as he felt the first drops of rain on his bare arms”. This brings out the sensory feeling the persona, Thoba, has and makes the audience take interest in what going to be happen next. Then, the ample verbs use in the second sentence help to build a sensory feeling and image. “He shivered briefly, and his teeth chattered for a moment as a cold breeze blew and then stopped.” This sensory and visual image let the audience to have the same feeling which helps the later development of the story. Moreover, “He looked up at the sky and sniffed”, this sentence constructs a scene of action of what Thoba is doing and has the power to get the audience to do the same action while reading. Also, the audience can understand that this is told from the perspective of a child. Hence, the sensory images and feeling assist Text 1a to illustrate the thought and emotion of Thoba.

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