Comparison Between the Film 'Troy', the Iliad and Actual History

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TROY: Comparing the Film to the Iliad by Kate Shaw CHARACTERS: When comparing the characters in the film Troy to those we see depicted in Homer's Iliad, there are only a few differences. Characters such as Achilles, Agamemnon and Menelaus fulfil similar roles to what they had in the Iliad whilst retaining their personalities, while other characters get by with only minor changes, like Hector, Paris and Helen who have some of their personalities and motives changed to better streamline the plot. However in the film there are at least two characters that exist in both but have been greatly altered. One such character is Briseis. In the film, Briseis is the cousin of Paris and Hector, and the niece of King Priam. She is functioning as a priestess of the temple of the god Apollo when it is attacked by the Greeks. She is claimed as a war-prize by Achilles and the two quickly fall in love. After returning with her uncle after he comes and claims the body of Hector, she and Achilles are reunited during the sacking of Troy, during which she kills Agamemnon. After Achilles is mortally wounded by Paris they reaffirm their love, and when he dies she escapes with the rest of her family. However, in the Iliad Briseis is very different. In Homer’s tale Briseis is simply a priestess taken by Achilles, with no blood connection to the royal family of Troy. However, like in the Film, she does become a point of contention between Achilles and Agamemnon, though the circumstances of her claiming by Agamemnon are somewhat different. The reasons for these changes are most likely to help make things personal, and to help provide the audience with an emotional connection. Another reason for this change was also probably to give Achilles a reason to be in the Citadel during the sacking of Troy, as this was where his death scene was to take place. Had she been a regular citizen, there

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