Comparing and Constrasting Secular Counseling and Christian Counseling

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Compare and Contrast Paper Terina Jackson Liberty University The book of Proverbs 11:14 states “Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety,” (English Standard Version). For counseling students, this scripture is a good reminder of the need for sound, biblical counseling in the world today. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the commonalities and differences of Christian counseling and counseling with a secular, humanistic approach. In the book, Effective Biblical Counseling: A Model for Helping Caring Christians Become Capable Counselors, Lawrence J Crabb, Jr. (1977), explains in detail what is required to be an effective Christian counselor. Crabb states the goal of Christian counseling is to promote maturity among Christians (Crabb, 1977, p 22-23). Crabb explains that there are two elements of maturity that a person seeking counsel should commit to. The first element is immediate obedience and the second element is character growth (Crabb, 1977, p.23). Crabb argues that every basis for sound spiritual and psychological well-being is being aware that people are not able to reach success or victory on their own accord. It is only through the justification of Jesus and His perfection that a person can experience true happiness (Crabb, 1977, p.24-25). There are distinct differences in the approach non-Christian counselors take to treat people in need of guidance. One major indication of differences in counseling programs can be found in the American Counseling Association (ACA) Code of Ethics. There is no faith based, or biblical foundations in this code (Anonymous, 2006). In the preamble of the ACA Code it states “Association members recognize diversity and embrace a cross-cultural approach in support of the worth, dignity, potential, and uniqueness of people within their social and cultural

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