Compare the Marketing Campaign of Sky Fall to That of Monsters

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“Compare the marketing campaign of Skyfall to that of Monsters’ Skyfall, directed by Sam Mendes was a huge box office hit, making over $20 million in the opening weekend alone. It was realeased November 9th 2012 and still manages to have people talking about it today. Skyfall premired in London at the Royal Albert hall on October 23rd and grossed over $951 million worldwide. This was achieved due to the long hours and the large amount of money inviested into making this film. Also the marketing campaign played a big part in this success, as It is the lifeblood that can either make or break a film. In this care; making the film. Skyfall along with every other film ever produced has 8 main parts to a marketing campaign: Posters; Trailers, TV spots, The Internet, PR and the press, Reviews, Track effectiveness of campaign and the Opening weekend. Firstly, posters are designed to see the genre and the concept pf the movie. They stand out as they are 2D, giving the audience time to read and really take in what the poster is telling them. They are strategicly placed in spots that will attract the most attention, for example a bus stop sign which you would walk past everyday or a bus which you would see everyday. This Is a usefull element to the marketing campaign because it brings awareness about the film. Also, the trailers help spread this awareness. They are produed and shown to the public in order to draw in the audineces attention. You would be able to get a feel of the film through watching the trailer, helping to sgive us a clear indication of what the genre will be. The next part is TV spots, which are created at the end of a production. The ain of these is to show the most interesting parts of a film in less than 10, 20, or 30 seconds. A form of multimedia, the internet plays a part in creating a marketing campaign. This is called viral marketing and is

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