Compare and Contrast the Views of Goffman and Foucault on How Social Order Is Produced.

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Susan Mckinley Compare and contrast the views of Goffman and Foucault on how social order is produced. The many theories of social order are fundamental in social science research. This essay will explore the creation of social order and why it is important. It will examine the similarities and differences between the perspectives of Erving Goffman and Michael Foucault on how social order is produced whilst reflecting on how these perspectives relate to studies of social disorder. As a human, each one of us is an individual being with feelings, thoughts and experiences, living within our own physical body, but we are also social beings who need contact, support and interaction. It is this interaction, and how individuals fit together in the spaces that they share which forms the basis of social order. If we lived a solitary existence we could do anything we wanted without considering anyone else. Alternatively if we lived in a regimented, organised group we could have no independent or individual thoughts and actions. Social order enables individuals to live together with understandings of the rules and expectations, that are imagined, and practised in their social existence. We live in a society of shared norms with a clear understanding of what is ok, reading the signals others give and behaving appropriately. This social order is a fundamental aspect that is of interest to social scientists who study many types of order as they coexist, interact and change. Social order is constructed and shaped by society, therefore there can be many different types of order within different environments and cultures, as well as different social orders which co-exist in the same society. There can also be different types of order within the same social groups and individuals can change and adapt, choosing an order to fit in with their needs at the time. Social
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