Comparative Writing Of Poems

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Comparative writing task between New Prince, New Pomp and Japans New Prince New Prince was written by Robert Southwell. He is writing about the birth of Christ. He wrote this poem in 1590 while awaiting execution in prison. He basically refers to Jesus being the prince of heaven and was born in humble circumstances. The poem is an emphasis on Christian beliefs. Japan’s new prince is a BBC news article about a prince, a son, being born into the Japanese royal family. This is an informative article as the source is regarded as reliable. Prince Hisahito 3rd in line of royalty. Both of these pieces of writing celebrate the birth of a prince, although one is written with religious conviction, while the other is just alerting you to the new Prince. Both of these pieces of writing are welcoming the Princes. Both of these pieces have a third person narrative stance. They both use alliteration, “Japan’s new Prince seen in Public”, “New Prince, New Pomp” These pieces of writing were written at different times. New Prince uses quatrains, ABCB from verse 1. Japans Prince is more continuous. The Japan’s Prince article is more impersonal and of balanced, New Prince is more imperative and addresses the reader directly. New Prince uses simple sentence types and has an imperative tone to it. It also has an explanatory note to it. Japans Prince has no imperatives and has a more decorative writing structure. New Prince’s semantic field of humility, while the Japans prince has a celebratory semantic field. The New Princes sentence structure is integrated with the stanzas and semi-colons break up the stanzas. Japans Prince uses commas to break up the sentences, but has no semi-colons and uses inverted commas for quotations. New Prince’s imagery uses pathetic fallacy and uses the weather to emphasise the coldness of Christ’s reception, it doesn’t say it’s a cold night but
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