Comparative Poem Essay

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Within both poems’, “Nettles” and “Born Yesterday”, a realistic view, based upon our inability to protect our loved ones from the inevitable pain and unhappiness of the unknown future, is revealed. Poets, Vernon Scanell and Philip Larkin, both portray their cynical attitudes towards life to convey the theme of powerlessness to guarantee happiness, using the bonds between a man and a cherished child. Firstly, “Nettles” is a narrative structure wrote in first person evident, in the use of personal pronouns, “My son”. The regimental rhyme scheme, (a,b,a,b) and use of iambic verses gives the poem a structured and uniformed feel to portray the theme of war, reflecting Scannell’s own personal background when he served in the army. It is evident that his negative feelings about the effects of war have had a prevailing influence on his work. The structure also resonances with a sonnet form, which has clear thematic link to emphasize his love for his son. The use of enjambment throughout the poem creates a conversational tone, as though it is an internal monologue, to convey Scannell’s own private thoughts towards the strong bonds between him and his son and feeling of despair at his lack of power to protect him. The title, “Nettles” bring awareness to the harsh stinging pain that is inflected by the weed, which we have all experienced in our own childhood many times over. In this poem, the nettles represent the many dangers in the world that could bring us pain, yet we are helpless to protect ourselves against them. Likewise, “Born Yesterday” is a narrative structure written in first person. However, the lack of rhyme scheme creates the theme of the unpredictable future from which the baby cannot be protected from to portray the fear of the unknown. With reference to the title, “Born Yesterday” is highlighting the past and Larkin’s own personal experience based on

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