Community Profile Essay

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Community Profile “The essence of being a midwife is the assistance of a woman around the time of childbirth* in a way that recognises that the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of pregnancy and birth are equally important. The midwife provides competent and safe physical care without sacrificing these other aspects’ (Page L, McCandlish R 2006). * Childbirth, in this context, refers to pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period For the purpose of this profile, the identity of the areas that I have been practicing in will not be made apparent but will be referred to under a pseudo identity, Area A and Area B respectively. This is in line with the Data Protection Act 1998, so as not to inadvertently disclose sensitive information about said communities and the people who reside there. The team that I was allocated to on my clinical placement covered the North East region of the city, however as mentioned above I will predominantly focusing on two main areas. The way in which maternity care is regulated and delivered, and the role in which midwife plays, are influenced by the socioeconomic factors that apply within these communities. To begin this profile I will take you through the role of the midwife, the focus of woman- centred care, as well as giving you a general overview of the region itself. I will offer an explanation of the area by its demographic profile before examining how its demographics sculpt the midwife’s approach to practice. “The midwife is recognised as a responsible and accountable professional who works in partnership with women to give the necessary support, care and advice during pregnancy, labour and the postnatal period, to conduct births on the midwife’s own responsibility and to provide care the newborn and the infant” (International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) 2005) In order to practice as a midwife

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