Community Development Approaches

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Discuss the meaning of 'Community Development' and analyse the various approaches that might be used to effectively support communities. The term community development may still carry warmly persuasive connotations, promising alternatives to the self-absorption and the alienation accompanying contemporary capitalism (Sennet 1976). The meaning of community development has matured throughout history as approaches to effective community development and its concept have grown. Within this easy I will be discussing the meaning of community development; exploring its historical roots and recent approaches. I will be focusing on approaches such as empowerment and participation drawing upon theories by Keith Popple, Marjorie Mayo and Paulo Freire. The meaning of community development is still in development as theorists, writers and practitioners argue over its definition and objectives as new approaches and strategies are implemented and scrutinised. In the UK community development work is a relatively new concept that draws on historical ideas that are at least a century old; such as organised forms of mutual aid initially established to provide assistance and shared resources to local people and communities (Web 3); this can be seen within Victorian philanthropy which showed a desire to intervene on behalf of or in the service of others less fortunate. Many charitable organisations were established around this time such as Coram in 1739 to house and support street children (Web 2). The origins of community development in the UK are therefore found in civil society, initiated by voluntary organisations which were independent of the state, such as churches and charitable foundations who are still active participants in community development today (Web 3). The community development journal was established in 1966 (Craig and Popple, 2008). This journal derived from
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