Effective Ways Of Communication

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In today’s world, there are many different ways of talking and getting hold of one another. But are they really effective ways of communicating? Between television, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and texting, methods of communicating are growing, but I would argue the sheer variety of options is also fragmenting our interactions with one another and making communication more difficult than ever. I think it’s a serious problem, and not one that just one person can solve. The most obvious example is television. With advertisements for politicians, makeup, clothes, appliances, and everything else you could name, communication has evolved into the one-minute spot. Instead of politicians interacting with voters, they’ll often just run an ad on an issue or plead for votes. People are choosing their next senators based on “ideas” they heard in a minute on the television in between segments of their favorite show. How many leaders can successfully explain their positions in the course of one minute? They can’t expand on any of their goals or ambitions in 60 seconds or less. These abbreviated messages and lack of detail won’t necessarily help them. If the…show more content…
Texting has many of the same disadvantages as social networking sites. No one can hear tone, or hear how you’re saying something. No one can hear or really understand what you’re trying to say. Communicating through a text message doesn’t give you personal contact with the person. They may sound great via message, but you will never know what they’re really like until you meet them face-to-face. Despite this problem, texting-only relationships have become common in middle school and high school students. “Couples” define their future relationship over two word sentences passed back and forth over cell phone screens. I would argue someone can’t really get to know someone else through 160 characters or less per
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