Communication and Professional Relationships with Children, Young People and Adults

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Lesson Outcome 3.1.1 1.1 – Explain why effective communication is important in developing positive relationships with children, young people and adults. Schools must create an effective partnership by providing an open and communicative environment with its wider community, forming a link between the classroom, home and the school and family. A communication breakdown between school, parent and pupil could be damaging on the pupils education and emotional performance. For this to not be the case, the teacher/support teacher needs to think about what they say and how it is said. Communication is a two-way process. It involves listening and speaking. Being empathic builds relationships with pupils, parents and teacher, makes them feel that you have seen their point of view. This will make the pupil, parent or teacher feel supported and understood and opens a matter of trust. When effective communication is missing, this can cause teachers to misunderstand or be ignorant of the child’s needs; further more pupils may not feel listened too. This could result in the pupil feeling worried or angry. Teachers need to form positive approach and effective communication to help children understand the boundaries expected of them. Sharing information means parents develop a clear appreciation of their child’s true strengths, showing the child that parent and teacher both want the ultimate goal for the child, leaving the child to feel comfortable about making mistakes and acting accordingly to put them right and voicing this to the teachers to allow teachers to help in areas needed. The two way key effective communications are verbal and nonverbal. Verbal communication is important because this gives the teacher, pupil a way to express their expectation but nonverbal is also important as this can show one individual a communication needed more than another. Eye contact,
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