Communication Essay

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Communication Paper HCS/490 Shawna Parker David Dye 06/11/2012 Strategies to improve communication with patients include a variety of communication modalities. With the technological advancements that have taken place over the past decade, communication has also evolved from handwritten letters to emails and text messaging .Providers and consumers both benefit from the variety of communication modalities; one specific beneficial mode of communication used is e-mail. Patients have a sense of connection with providers and organizations when they can communicate with the provider at any given time. There are several communication modalities such as e-mail in the health care settings has shown a positive change in health care industry. There are billions of people in the world today who have access to the internet. New technology has increased the form of communication with patients and providers. E-mail is used to communicate with family, friends, co-workers, and health care professionals. E-mail seems to be an admirable way for patients to communicate with providers. Patients can respond to providers through email without going into the office. A patient may have access to their lab results, medications and other medical questions. Email Benefits Patients Health care organizations as well as patients have many advantages communicating via e-mail. Patients are more involved with their health care and address concerns more frequently than in previous years. E-mail has had a positive effective on the health care market; many organizations have taken advantage of this technology. Communication via email has many benefits to patients of types. A patient can confirm or cancel an appointment by using the web and sending emails. Communication between Consumers and Providers The importance of maintaining
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