Common Illnesses In Women

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COMMON ILLNESSES OF WOMEN Pregnancy is a time of great excitement and anticipation. Unfortunately, it is also a time of worry. Every little ache or pain you tend to focus more deeply on in fear for your unborn baby. But most illnesses and Infections that are contracted during pregnancy are nothing to be extremely concerned about as long as you are receiving excellent prenatal care. Here is a list of some of the top concerns that pregnant women face. 1) Urinary Tract Infections (also called UTI's) Normally this is nothing more then a bacterial infection of the bladder that causes inflammation. You will also experience a frequent urge to urinate more often and a burning sensation when you do pass urine. The important thing is to see your doctor at the onset of symptoms. You do not want the infection to worsen. The bacteria can travel up the ureter's and into the kidneys which is a far more serious infection. Urinary Tract Infections are more common in pregnant women because of high levels of the hormone progesterone which causes the muscles to relax and stretch out a bit. This can allow bacteria to flow up into the bladder easier. Also the sheer weight of the uterus pressing down can make emptying the bladder completely difficult so this can help bacteria build up over time until an infection erupts out. Your doctor will be able to diagnosis a UTI from a simple urine test. They will normally prescribe antibiotics to help treat the infection. 2) Bacterial vaginosis This is a common disease that women of child bearing age suffer. It is caused by the imbalance of bacteria in your vagina. Normally, the vagina houses more good bacteria then bad bacteria. The good bacteria is called lactobacilli which keep the environment healthy and bad bacterias at bay. However, with pregnancy it tends to be more common to have an imbalance and no one is
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