Common Characteristics Of An Organization

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Common Characteristics of an Organization paper COM 350 May, 2011 Common characteristics of an organization Presented in this paper is the current understanding of the common characteristics and culture associated with the majority of organizations, an entertainment organization as the example. Organizations may exhibit common characteristics in different ways but the format remains the same. A system is a part of every organization; defining the individuals, operations, and interactions inside or outside the organization. Rules, regulations, and communication are other characteristics shared by organizations, creating routines carried out in a formal or informal manner (Richmond & McCroskey, 2009). Maintaining operations involves a chain of command that provides a method of communication, and depending on the leadership approach decision-making may vary from one organization to another. Organizations consist of a group of individuals completing or engaging in the same functions or goal. A requirement to be successful in a work-oriented organization is that the effort of each individual, even done separately, creates the only outcome (Wagenheim & Rood, 2010). The separation of tasks relies on communication for maintaining a schedule, keeping ever member informed, or providing a bond. The work of one individual affects the work of another is common in organizations; whether it is consequences or praise every individual had a role in the result. Entertainment organizations are not immune to this definition and therefore abide by similar characteristics used in most organizations. The particular entertainment organization used as an example depends on their system for generating a successful product and servicing it. This system is similar to other service-oriented organizations in the effect that technicians are the primary individuals who operate in the

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