Commentary On The Poem &Quot;Monologue&Quot;

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Monologue commentary The poem “Monologue” is written by Hone Tuwhare. The theme is the hopelessness and pressure of unemployment. The headline is also the form of the poem. It consists of nine stanzas. In the beginning of the poem the narrator talks about his job like it is something pleasant that he enjoys. However, in the second stanza he strongly disagrees with this statement as he describes the disadvantages of his working place- “cold creeps”, “hot dust swirls”. Even so, he wouldn’t change it, because that’s his only option. He doesn’t feel secure with his job, instead of enjoying it he keeps worrying that he will be fired. In the next stanza the author continues describing pessimistically his working place-“noisy place with smoke rising”. He creates an oral imagery-“people kneading, shaping, and putting things together. The only advantage in this situation is that he is far away from the supervisors, since he works near the doors of the room- “I am the farthest away from those who have to come down to shout instructions in my ear”. The narrator is scared of these people and their attitude towards workers is awful. We can suggest that people are being yelled upon frequently and there is no patience and respect, since there is always a queue of people waiting for this job. This is not because of the advantages of the job (which we can conclude are none), but because there is so high unemployment that it doesn’t matter what the job is, as long as it provides some money. Since the
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