Commendation Letter

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Module 2 Assignment Dear Mr. Williams: I would like to commend you on your recent completion of a successful overseas deployment and receipt of the prestigious Naval Commendation Medal. It comes to no surprise that you would continue to be successful after having the opportunity to work with you on previous deployments. As my squad leader, you effectively mentored your personnel and flawlessly led the team to accomplish over 200 security missions in the Al Anbar Provence. It is evident that your ability to accept and assume increasingly higher roles of responsibilities has led to this great achievement. You have always emulated yourself in a position higher than that of the one you are responsible for, always going above and beyond what is expected of you. The Marines in your charge are very fortunate to have such a role model to look up to. The actions you took on that fateful night this past deployment earned you the highest personal award your unit has received. After your vehicle was hit by an IED, your bravery in inspecting the post blast sight led to the discovery of the command wire which detonated it. You and your team, without hesitation, followed it to the building it started from and flawlessly breached the entry and detained four insurgents. Their capture has resulted in the collection of valuable intelligence which has potentially saved the lives of many others operating in that area. Congratulations again on a job well done. Your exceptional leadership is an invaluable asset to your unit and the Marine Corps. I look forward to having the opportunity to work with you again in the future. Sincerely, Mike Smith Audience Profile Project: A personal letter complimenting a former business acquaintance for national recognition. * Primary Audience: Mr. Williams, Squad Leader of 1st Squad Security Company, Combat Logistics Battalion
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