Comedy in Twelfth Night

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Comedy in Twelfth Night. Summary: Explores how William Shakespeare creates comedy in the first two acts of his play Twelfth Night. Analyzes the use of pun, comic characters, sub-plot, misunderstood conversations and dramatic irony. Comedy means something farcical that can make people laugh. It is usually done for the purpose of entertainment. Throughout the whole play, Shakespeare creates comic effects to amuse his audience. In this essay, I will discuss the use of pun, comic characters, sub-plot, misunderstood conversations and dramatic irony. Many characters in Twelfth Night love playing with words. Wordplay can create comic effect and give a sense of chaos. The best example of humourous play on words is the word 'hart' in Act I scene I. Curio ask Orsino if he wants to hunt the hart. And Orsino replied that he turn into a hart the moment he saw Olivia. In this case, the word 'hart' links with the word 'heart'. Shakespeare creates comedy by using comic characters. There are three explicit comic characters known as pranksters in this play. They are Sir Toby Belch, Sir Andrew Aguecheek and Maria. Sir Toby Belch is Olivia's uncle who is a drunkard. He is rather a rowdy and carefree person who enjoys practical jokes and late-night carousing. Sir Andrew Aguecheek is a rich man who finances Sir Toby's pleasures. He thinks that he is witty, handsome and good at languages and dancing when he is actually a dumbhead. Shakespeare particularly chooses the word 'Belch' and 'Aguecheek' which are apparently out of place to give a sense of humour. Maria is a clever and daring waiting-gentlewoman of Olivia. These three characters help to create comedy. For example, in Act I scene III, When Sir Toby introduce Maria to Sir Andrew, Sir Andrew makes a fool of himself by repeatedly getting her name wrong. After flattered by Sir Toby, Sir Andrew ended the scene by showing off his
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