Colonization of the New World

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Colonization of the New World There are many similarities and difference between Spain, England, and France. They each made their own presence felt in the New World by colonizing various regions throughout North and South America, among the three nations in terms of how they went about colonization. Spain colonized, conquered, and settled in most of South America, the Caribbean, and the American Southwest because so that they can explore, conquest, and political rule over much of the western hemisphere. The motivations for colonial expansion were so that they trade and spread the Christian faith throughout. After an initial wave of conquistadors, Spain advantages was that the military had aided and infected diseases that decimated the native populations and defeated the pre-Columbian civilizations of the Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas. Spain organized a huge imperial system to exploit the land, labor, and mineral wealth of the New World. Their disadvantage was that when they were conquering Maya, because of the Yucatan jungle, their metal weapons would rust. Spain treated the Native American very badly like they were animals. For example, altogether, they execute a large group of people such as the Natives in Cuba, Dominica, and Mexico, and those who weren’t in the massacre was turned into slaves; and those whoever refused to convert to Christianity. Spain’s motivations for colonial expansion were trade and spread Christianity and explored East Africa; Later, when they discovered rich trading regions in Indonesia. That alternative route was different from the theoretical eastward route, which lead them to the British Empire and they offered to support. England colonized in the Americas began in 1607 in Jamestown, Virginia and reached its peak when colonies had been established throughout the Americas and they have settled in Antarctica
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