Codes and Conducts of Bulling at Elit

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[YOUR COMPANY] ANTI-BULLYING POLICY [YOUR COMPANY] is committed to providing all employees a healthy and safe work environment. [YOUR COMPANY] will ensure that procedures exist to allow complaints of bullying to be dealt with and resolved within [YOUR COMPANY], without limiting any person’s entitlement to pursue resolution of their complaint with the relevant statutory authority. [YOUR COMPANY] is committed to the elimination of all forms of bullying. This policy applies to all employees of [YOUR COMPANY]. It applies during normal working hours, at work related or sponsored functions, and while traveling on work related business. There will be no recriminations for anyone who in good faith alleges bullying. DEFINITIONS Bullying is unwelcome or unreasonable behavior that demeans, intimidates or humiliates people either as individuals or as a group. Bullying behavior is often persistent and part of a pattern, but it can also occur as a single incident. It is usually carried out by an individual but can also be an aspect of group behavior (see “mobbing” below). Some examples of bullying behavior are: Verbal communication • Abusive and offensive language • Insults • Teasing • Spreading rumor and innuendo • Unreasonable criticism • Trivializing of work and achievements Manipulating the work environment • Isolating people from normal work interaction • Excessive demands • Setting impossible deadlines Psychological manipulation • Unfairly blaming for mistakes • Setting people up for failure • Deliberate exclusion • Excessive supervision • Practical jokes • Belittling or disregarding opinions or suggestions • Criticizing in public Context is important in understanding bullying, particularly verbal communication. There

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