Clinical Reflective Essay

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Today, our clinical group went to the Life Services Senior Center in midtown Tulsa. My assumptions about an “adult day care” facility were pretty inaccurate. I assumed most of the participants (I learned they were called participants, not clients or patients) would need quite a bit of care and I guess, envisioned it similar to a day care facility for children, like for instance changing soiled briefs. Mrs. Pyron had told us there would be three different areas we would rotate through so I knew there were three different levels of care but I didn’t realize the minimal care most of the participants needed.
The majority of the participants were part of the big room and they just required a little assistance, minimal care. They were offered help in ambulating, bathing, and if needed toileting. What I realized is that a major purpose of this facility to is help keep older adults out of nursing homes. If they reside with a care giver that needs to work outside of the home they can come for aid in physical care or to help from being lonely or isolated in their homes. They are served three meals, and received education and activity opportunities. It was a wonderful experience for me to see how many older adults can be proactive in their aging and care for themselves. It was a great way for them to remain active and have a sense of community. It also could provide care giver relief for family and friends helping to care for them by allowing them to continue working or be able to have some respite care, especially for those adults requiring more care.
In the advanced room, the participants needed more advanced care due to dementia related problems. Even in this room though, the level of care was quite broad. There were participants who seemed pretty alert and oriented and those who were far more advanced. Even in this setting though, they were provided the same
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