Clean State, Healthy People

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Scholars often say that healthy people are definitely in a clean state. State means the area which is under the rule of a sultan or governor. While clean means free from all forms of contamination either air, water or noise. People means the entire population of a state. Finally, healthy which means not suffering from any disease. The following statement is not without twaddle as this can be proven in countries like New Zealand, where the country is one of the cleanest of the various pollution and the health of the people is very high all over the country of Malaysia. It has been proved that the state can produce clean healthy people from various aspects of either physical, mental or spiritual. As Malaysians, we should be thankful that there is still a source of clean water, a variety of green trees still standing upright and the fresh air that we able to breathe until now. However, we need to take care of the blessings given by God to be continued into the next generation. However, the formation of a clean state must be done on an urgent basis to form healthy people. Before I highlight the efforts to clean up the country I want to give some ideas to improve the cleanliness of our state. Some of the effect is reduced food supply. This is so because the factories along the river take the easy way to remove toxic waste by dumping it into the river to save costs. But this not only reduces costs but worse as the death of marine life and the lack of clean food. Besides the river, steel mills and oil processing produce thousands of daily smoke clouds. It has caused increasing air pollution. In fact, the smoke clouds will form clouds of water to wet the soil. But these waters contain a variety of acid that will cause corrosion of buildings and plants. At the same time, acid in the rain is absorbed into the ground. This will cause the trees to absorb the acid and will not

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