Classroom Technology Essay

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Siyuan Chu AEIS 112 Dr. Emily Rine Butler January 26, 2012 Classroom Technology Can you imagine there are no projector, no speakers, and no microphone for teachers in a big classroom that can hold more than 200 students? As if this case brings us back to 19th century. During that period, students sitting in the back cannot hear what the teacher is saying clearly and not see what the teacher want to show completely. Fortunately, now a variety of technologies and devices have been brought into classrooms to help students and teachers do well. Sometimes some students will do operations that are not associated with the class, however we cannot say those technologies are not helpful absolutely. In my opinion, I think classroom technology does benefit people for teaching and learning because students can use it to learn more efficiently and it makes life easier in the classroom. The first reason for classroom technology does benefit people in teaching and learning is it makes life easier in the classroom. In the other words, students and teachers will be more convenient to organize and operate. As Leaness (2012) have noted, “The software that comes with the board offers me a nice way to organize and save the work we do each day. If we mark up a document during a lesson, I can save it and refer back to it the next day” (n.p.). In this case, the board mentioned by the author looks like an advanced human assistant, she stands beside us to help organize and remember everything well for us. In addition to that, the classroom technology of interactive whiteboard also offers a stage on which students can exchange their paperwork fast and directly (Leaness, 2012, n.p.). As we can see, it can be really convenient, especially in writing class, teachers will not need to hand out pieces of papers and students also don’t need to worry about hoe to keep these papers within
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