Classroom Observation Essay

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Child’s Name DOB Parent’s Names Mrs. ?’s 3rd grade Classroom Rm ??? 11/03/2014 Per the school’s request to determine Special Education eligibility, this writer provided a direct observation of this student in his 3rd grade classroom. The purpose of this observation was to observe and document the students on task and off task behaviors. The teacher reports multiple off task behaviors during class time. The teacher believes his off task behavior could be effecting his academic achievements. Currently all students in this class room sit in a 3-4 person pod (four desks pushed together and face each other). However, due to his off task behaviors, his teacher has him sitting at a single desk in the front left corner of the classroom. This classroom held over twenty students. This is a square shaped classroom with too dry erase boards in it. One at the front and one at the back. To the left is a section to hang coats and store lunches and other materials. to the right is a small table and the teachers desk. This observation took place at the beginning of the day. This 3rd grade class appeared to abide by its daily norms/routines. A student volunteer collects lunch information from their classmates, and everybody else knows that once their belongings are hung up and put away that they are to find their assigned seats, get out yesterday’s homework and begin the “bell ringer” activity. Classroom rules are clearly posted on the walls within the classroom. During this observation period, this writer observed the beginning classroom routine as well as the bell ringer activity. This observation was 25 minutes long. This writer observed this student as well as a same age same gender classmate as a control. This writer utilized a behavior observation coding sheet. Every 30 seconds this writer would observe both children’s behaviors and then

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