Classroom Adaptations for Students with Hearing Impairments

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Do you have a student that wears a hearing aid, but still only hears one out of five words you say? If you have a student with a hearing impairment, here are some simple adaptations you can make in your teaching to help this student succeed. Provide all lesson directions in writing. Provide him/her with material (whatever you will be discussing with the class) in writing. You might give the student an outline of what you will be discussing or provide a copy of whatever you are reading to the class. When speaking to the class as a group, use as many visual aids as possible. Posters, charts, transparencies on the overhead, the chalkboard, big books, and slide shows are some examples of tools you can use in your classroom. Also use hand gestures and body language when speaking to the class. The student may pick up on cues from you. If you know sign language, use it. Write all content information on the board. Content information might include spelling words, vocabulary and definitions, historical dates and facts, math examples, etc. Anything that students will be responsible for knowing for testing and grading purposes, should be provided in writing for this student. Meet with the student one-on-one sometime during the day to review content and lesson material. The beginning or end of day would probably work best. Make yourself available to the student for questions. Provide him/her with a copy of the books that you read aloud so that he/she can follow along. You might also allow the student to take the book home to read if necessary. Place this student in the front of the room and make sure to position yourself close to him/her when speaking. Make sure he/she is not near the classroom door, windows, or other locations that might present auditory distractions. Make sure the student can see you when you are speaking. Speak slowly, loudly, and clearly. Some

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