Classical Conditioning Essay

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Running head: CLASSICAL CONDITIONING Classical Conditioning January 29, 2011 Abstract Classical Conditioning Classical conditioning is a behavioral modification process in which a subject learns to respond in a particular manner to a neutral stimulus (the conditioned stimulus) repeatedly paired with a stimulus (the unconditioned stimulus) that induces a response (the unconditioned response) until the neutral stimulus produces the same response (the conditioned response) without the initial neutral stimulus present (Terry, 2009, p. 52). A recognized classical conditioning experiment, performed by Russian born physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, is Pavlov’s salivary experiment performed on dogs. The experiment demonstrates how a neutral stimulus (bell ringing (CS)), repeatedly paired with a stimulus (food (US)), induces a response (salivating (UR)), until the neutral stimulus (bell ringing (CS)), produces the same response (salivating (CR)), without the presence of the initial stimulus (food (US)) (Cherry, 2012). The factors (bell ringing, presence of food) of Pavlov’s experiment are just two factors in the classical conditioning response. Conventional classical conditioning response theory embraces the principles that the origin of the neutral stimulus is unimportant. However, additional factors such as stimulus strength, timing, and contiguity can affect the conditioned response. Stimulus Strength and Contiguity Conditioning is stronger and acquired faster if the stimulus strength is amplified (e.g., brighter, louder, occurrences).(Grice, 1968) Conditioning for a particular response can be affected if the intensity of the conditioned stimuli is not strong enough to influence a subjects conditioning or if the pairing of stimuli are not contiguous. Terry refers to pairing as two events occurring contiguously, or in a contiguous timing
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