Clara Barton Essay

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Clara Barton
18th Century
“I may be compelled to face danger, but never fear it, and while our soldiers can stand and fight, I can stand and feed and nurse them.” Clara Barton

* Served During Civil War (1861): * Aided soldiers at the U.S. Capital. * Gathered and distributed supplies * Provided moral support * Provide Nursing Support : * Second Battle of Bull Run * Battle of Antietam * Battle of Fredericksburg * Setup Hospital in Virginia and North Carolina (1863-1865)
Founded American Red Cross (1881)

Known for her natural compassion, organizational skills and fearless temperament, Clara Barton was well known for her humanitarian efforts during 1800’s and the Civil War Era. Barton was Known for her natural compassion, organizational skills and fearless temperamen. inspired by the war stories of the Indian War she heard from her father a Captain She was a well know nurse who stood up for the dangers of serving American soldiers on both sides of the war. Her work in the battle field was often dangerous and grueling. Barton displayed great courage and did not deny any request for assistance near the front lines which were deemed unsafe for women. Barton was determined to serve, regardless of personal cost.
While in Europe barton was contacted by Officials from the International Red Cross (IRC) after hearing of her efforts during U.S. Civil War. It was at this time Clara Barton realized how much the U.S. would benefit by an organization such as IRC. Returning to the US in 1873, Barton spent many years preparing for the founding of the American Red Cross. Clara Barton was a pioneer in her generation and a model for nurses now to serve their community and mankind.
Anderson, A. (June 2009). Bringing help to the helpless: Clara Barton served America's wounded and founded a

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