Civil war: Differance,crop, slave labor vs wage labor

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Slavery within the United States had a major impact on its society, and way of life. So to what effect did slavery have on crop? Crop alone has a major impact on many aspects of a country, mix that with the use of slavery and production, pricing, society, growth and development are all drastically different from a society who uses wage labor system of growth. This would help in separating the differences that northern wage labor farmers and southern slave labor farmers would have. All in all the real money was in the southern slave labor farms, and northern wage labor farms felt threaten by this fact. Slavery mixed with farms and the types of crops produced is what really began the domino effect that lead into the civil war. Southern slave labor farms seemed to have an upper hand in the production of crop. The slave labor farms were able to produce more crops and sell it for a higher profit than free labor farms. Therefore, slave labor farms were able to bring in larger amounts of income which, in turn, led to a drastic change in there social structure when compared to free labor farms in the north. They began to walk around with this elitist notion that they were the better of the United States people. With slave labor taking the more difficult work out of the day, and bringing in an excess of income southern slave farmers were able to attend more upper class (or middle upper class) functions that would further separate the thoughts and ideals that northern wage labor and southern slave labor farmers had. Slavery made a huge difference on the production of many crops, corn and wheat are two of the main food producing crop that both northern, and southern states produced. Originally, wheat was considered the free labor crop, and corns the slave labor crop. However, from 1850-1860 southern states began the production of wheat on a wider scale, especial

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