Civil Rights Movement and Impact on 21st Century Social Issues

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Many social events of the 20th century have had a lasting impact on our society. However, one of the most important social events was the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (The Avalon Project, 1964). This Act enforced the constitutional right of African Americans to vote and provided federal protection against discriminatory acts with regard to public accommodations, facilities, and education (The Avalon Project). However, the impact of the Civil Rights Act has extended beyond granting protections to the African American population and has influenced society’s views of other disenfranchised group as well, such as women and the disabled. As a result of this legislation, equity for all individuals regardless of gender, race, and ability has become a driving force in society today. One of the impacts of the Civil Rights Act can be seen in the Women’s Movement. Gloria Steinem, who is often credited with being the leader of the Women’s Movement has explained that the Women’s Movement used the Civil Rights Act as the basis for the fight for equity in wages and reproductive freedom for women ( Heilbrun, 1996). In Heilbrun’s (1996) biographical account of her life, Steinem shares how she was influenced and inspired by the Civil Rights Movement and the ability of a united group of individuals to shape the societal thinking that resulted in the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Many of the same nonviolent protests and civil disobedience actions used during the Civil Rights Movement were also used by women in order to bring attention to their plight of inequity in the home and workplace. As a result of these actions, policies for working women were enacted in order to ensure fair practices in the workplace regardless of gender. Another piece of important legislation that provided equity to women was Title IX (Suggs, 2005). Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 protects girls

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