Citibank Essay

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Should Citibank launch the card product? Why or why not? There are many reasons for both the option to launch a card product in the Asian pacific area, and to withhold a launch. To get a better idea of the dilemma that Citibank are facing in this case both the disadvantages and the advantages will be presented before we state the appropriate cause of action for Citibank. One of the disadvantages that can be observed in this case is the fact that launching a card product in the region can be thought as a risky investment. There are a number of reasons why this product launch can be thought as risky. One of the main reasons that are expressed by the managers of Citibank is the fact that large parts of the region have a low income, meaning that ***. There is also a concern that the infrastructure in parts of the south-east Asia region is very undeveloped. This means that there will be problem whit organizing the payments, enforce payments and provide service etc. And an ever bigger concern is that without the proper infrastructure it may be hard to use the card, since ATM’s or in stores card payment options may be hard to find. But perhaps the biggest is that the majority of the region does not have any previous experience whit handling credits. This can cause large problems not only for Citibank who will have a large number of customers that cannot pay their credits. But also cause problems for the economies of the countries in the region when large numbers of the population are being weighed down by credit card depts. Another concern that the managers raise is that a card that would be targeting the mass market might damage Citibank’s image as a bank providing upscale services in the region. If this would be the effect of launching a card this means that the other activities of the bank will suffer and that Citibank would lose on a launch of the card. One

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