Circulatory System Essay

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“How the Circulatory System works” Introduction 1) Circulatory system is the circulation of blood in body to provide nutrients to the cells. 2) The systematic circulation circulates oxygenated blood from heart to different parts of body. 3) The pulmonary circulation circulates deoxygenate blood from heart to lungs for purification. Body 1) The Circulatory System a) The main purpose of circulatory system is to provide nutrients and oxygen to various parts of body with the help of circulation of blood. b) The circulatory system consists of the main organ heart, the blood and the blood vessels. c) Based on the mode of functioning, the circulatory system can be classified into Systematic circulation and pulmonary circulation. 2) The Systematic Circulation carries oxygenated blood from heart to different parts of body. d) Blood circulation that starts from heart and distributes pure oxygenated blood to various parts of body. e) The oxygenated blood is transported to body tissues by arteries. f) In this process, oxygen from the blood is diffused into the body cells; whereas carbon-dioxide from the cell is diffused in the blood. 3) The Pulmonary Circulation carries deoxygenated blood from heart to lungs. g) Deoxygenated blood collected by heart is circulated to the lungs through pulmonary artery for purification. h) In the lungs respiration takes place where blood exchange carbon-dioxide with oxygen. i) Oxygenated blood from lungs is then carried back to the heart with the help of pulmonary veins and continues systematic circulation. Conclusion 1) In its most basic forms, the circulatory system is a simple loop which starts, and ends, at the heart. 2) The role of circulatory system is to transport oxygen, food and waste materials within human body. 3) Circulatory
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