Cinderella Myths Essay

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Comparing and Contrasting The Korean Cinderella with The American Cinderella. Katherine Perry Objective: The Children will compared and contrast the Korean and American versions of the Cinderella story. They will construct a chart with the teacher to organize their thoughts and then complete a double bubble thinking map on their own to display their understanding of how the stories are similar and different. Anticipatory Set: I will begin with the interesting fact that there are over 900 stories written about the Cinderella character. I will go on to explain the original Cinderella story is Chinese. It dates back to the ninth century and is called “Yeh-Shen.” Teaching/Input: I will read Walt Disney’s version of Cinderella and The Korean Cinderella by Shirley Climo. I will go through all the illustrations of the Korean version and point out special Korean attributes. For instance, the patterns painted on the eaves of the Korean temples are called Tanchong, and they are used all throughout the illustrations of the book. I will teach the children that Tanchong are symbols of good luck, protection, and the cycle of reincarnation. Also, the magistrate wears a jade jewel in his top knot. The children and I will discuss the different hair style and the importance of jade in the Korean culture. In one illustration, the men have long white ribbons attached to their hats. I will explain to the children that the ribbons are always worn on hats during the traditional Farmer’s Dance. We will then pay special attention to the different dress and landscape depicted in the pictures. For example, Pear Blossom’s father wears a horsehair hat which is what Korean gentlemen wore during that time period in Korea. I will teach the students that all the illustrations help us to visualize how Korean people lived and dressed 300 years ago. Modeling: We will begin to construct a chart

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