Chrysler Ad Analysis

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“I gotta question for ya. What does this city know about luxury, huh? What does a town that’s been to Hell and back know about the finer things in life?” The Comeback These are the questions asked of the viewer in the very beginning of the Super bowl commercial for the Chrysler 200. The advertisement is not only trying to sell a new model, but also bringing back Chrysler as a popular luxury car brand. Through images, the narrative, and music, a very masculine and dark tone is conveyed to younger male viewers in order to re-establish Chrysler as a top luxury car brand with as rich a history as the city of Detroit and built by the same kind of hardworking men who are now revitalizing Detroit. Besides the driving beat of the music track, the most consistent sound throughout the commercial is a deep, gravely voice of an older man who could be conveyed as a wizened fatherly figure. This narrator speaks very slowly in the beginning and then pace quickens as the commercial progresses and intensity levels rise. Although we never see this man, one could tell that he is older because of the gruff sound of his voice and his grunt-like delivery when he asks, “Huh?” during the start of the commercial. It seems as though this voice could be Detroit itself with the edge in his voice or someone who is very familiar with the city because while he narrates, images of the city are the majority of what we see during the first half of the ad. By using this older man’s voice throughout the commercial, Chrysler keeps hold of their past, older customers while using images and music to attract a younger crowd. This older, fatherly figure’s voice is then countered with the appearance of the famous young rapper from Detroit, Eminem, behind the wheel of the advertised Chrysler. Though he is featured for less of the commercial, his role is very strong in

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