Christian Community Service

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Community service is a kind of service that a person or a group of volunteers accomplish for the benefits of their local or any other community. It is working at no cost to give something back to the community. It is work that we as students analyze it as a call to reflection on social responsibility and so we take awareness that we do not live alone in this world, we are not the only human beings and out there in the world are many people who are facing many problems in their lives and we as a community can help them to make things easier and improve their lives, so the they of tomorrow they will be the ones who are helping us building a better community for everyone. This year like the last one, as a student volunteer, I collaborate with the pilgrimage at Saint Paul. This pilgrimage is reflected as a prayerful journey, a sacred walk, supporting this year to the children of Rwanda, who still suffer from the aftereffects of the genocide of 1994, for the Hope for Rwanda’s Children Fund. Furthermore, I volunteer at the Santa Claus Parade forming part of the Parade representing my school. It is a way to support the community with the spirit of Christmas. In addition, it is a way to help children spend an enjoyable time by looking at the diversity of floats presented in this event This social service relates to the Christian Community Service because, as I explained it at the beginning of this work, it is call to reflection on social responsibility and so we take awareness that we do not live alone in this world. Therefore the Christian Community Service shows solidarity with people who are in need and who require assistance. It provides the people with an opportunity to follow the teaching of Jesus Christ and puts into practice the social teaching of the Church. There both care about the community and follow the Golden Rule “whatever you want men to do to you, do
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