Christian and Islam Dbq

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DBQ During the Post-Classical Era merchants played a crucial role in shaping the course of different societies. Christianity in its origin had a more negative view towards merchants while Islam had a more positive one based on the religious documents; however views began shifting during 1500 when Islam views became more negative toward merchants and Christian opinions became more positive as presented by the power of authorities and the actions taken by the merchants. Views on wealth can be seen in the religious documents of documents 1 and 2. Christianity had its first view toward merchants and wealth in the first century C.E. which was a negative one stated by Jesus (Doc. 1). Furthermore additional religious documents would have to be found to have an argument on Christianity’s views of wealth and merchants. On the other hand Islam’s view toward wealth is more positive because it is stated that if the just Muslim is truthful he shall be honored. As in the case of Christianity it would be necessary to have further passages from the Qur’an on the issue of wealth and merchants to have a more clear understanding on Islam’s origins views. However, from the sources given it is clear that Christianity had a more negative view towards wealth than that of Islam. As time progressed major changes occurred for both Christianity and Islam as seen in Documents 3, 4, 5, and 7. This change can be seen in Reginald’s writing about St. Godric. He speaks that Godric chose the life a peddler, buying items of small price, but than selling these items for a greater price. Over the years Godric became very profitable buy selling commodities which he bought elsewhere at a small price. Furthermore, Godric sought a life of solitude in which he sold all his items and distributed them among the poor and gave himself completely to God’s service. This demonstrates that the Christian
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