Chillingworth's Characteristics

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CHILLINGWORTH CHARACTERISTICS In Chapter 4 Chillingworth reveals many characteristics of his personality when he talks to Hester in Jail. The first of Chillingworth’s characteristics is being sneaky. In paragraph 13 Chillingworth tells Hester to drink of his medicine and says, “Dost thou know me so little, Hester Prynne?. When Chillingworth says this he is being sneaky by trying to make her feel guilty of not drinking the medicine by telling her that how can she not trust him if he was her husband for so long. By making her feel guilty he is able to make her drink the medicine, also by making her feel guilty he can also make her regret having the child so she can kill it or even herself further on. Another one of Chillingworth’s characteristics is self-centered. He says in paragraph 26”Breathe not the secret, above all, to the man thou wottest of. Shouldst thou fail me in this, beware! His fame, his position, his life will be in my hands. Beware!” By saying this he is telling Hester to not say he is her husband and not say who is the man she had her kid with, he says there will be consequences so she should beware of what she says. Chillingworth is being self-centered here because he is Hester’s husband, he should not be telling her to keep a secret that they are married just because he is ashamed of how his reputation will be affected if people figure out he is her husband and she cheated on him with another man. By: Ashley Humm

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