Childrens Development Essay

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1. Explain the difference between sequence of development and rate of development and why the difference is important. Development is the gaining of skills in all aspects of the child’s life. We have four main types of children’s development : Physical development: this refers to the body increasing in skill and performance. Social and emotional development: this is the development of a child’s identity and self-image, relationships and feelings Intellectual development: this is learning the skills of understanding, memory and concentration. Communication and speech development: this is learning to communicate with others. All the areas of development link together and are often described in five stages: 1. infancy from birth to one year 2. early years from one to three years 3. childhood from four to seven years 4. puberty from 8–12 years 5. adolescence from 13–16 years Sequence of development is the order that a child develops but this can vary in each child. For example one child may start with rolling over then sit up, then crawl and then start walking but another child may just sit up, then crawl and then start walking. (Usual order in which development takes place) The rate of development is the space a child develops and grows at. The rate of development is the speed of which a child develops but this can also vary a great deal in each child. For example one child may start walking unaided before their first birthday but another child may not start walking unaided until after their first birthday. (Usual time frame in which developments take place) It’s important to know the difference between the sequence and rate of development as it helps to meet the children’s individual needs. While the sequences are common amongst most children, what often changes is the rate in
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