Children and Guns-a Cultural Perspective

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Cultural Anthropology 02 Margaret Edwards Prof. Gaugler March 5, 2013 Children and Guns- A Cultural Perspective Growing up in the late 50’s and early 60’s in the United States if someone mentioned children and guns one’s thoughts naturally went to cap guns and games of cowboys and Indians. In the late 60’s these toy guns took on a more military appearance and the game switched from cowboys and Indians to playing war. In the United States it was still a game; in other countries the use of a gun by a child was far more ominous. For these kids the guns were real and there was no game, the war was real. Today, over fifty years later, it seems like nothing has changed. Despite the efforts of organizations like the United Nations, children are still being forced into military service throughout the world. The use of children as soldiers has gone on for centuries, but it wasn’t until the 1970’s that a number of international organizations have actively attempted to put an end to this morally repugnant practice. Unfortunately, their efforts have not been as successful as one would have hoped. The cultures of the countries that continue to engage in this practice, specifically the micro cultural aspects that make up the country’s culture are the reason the practice of using children in the military is not only still a major problem in the world today, but one that is on the increase. Why is this happening? What can be done to stop it? To answer these questions we must look into how each micro cultural aspect directly affects this practice. In regards to class, the lack of resources available and the inability to access even a small portion of what are available, leads the

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