Childhood Memory Essay

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Childhood Memory Growing up, living in a complicated and hectic world, I have often had recollections of my childhood whenever I was alone in a tranquil environment.Countless memories would flood in my mind and I would be overwhelmed with joy and nostalgia. One such memory that stands out from the rest and would always be etched in my mind is during the event where I represented my school for the Inter School National Tennis Tournament Finals when I was twelve years old.Tennis has always been a big part of my life.I started playing it when I was six and I have forged numerous friendships and it has shaped me to the person I am today, disciplined and compassionate. On the finals, we were up against our rival and we were considered an underdog as evidently, they had more numbers of better players.The odds stacked against us winning were high therefore after much deliberation, our coach and the team decided that we would not follow the conventional line up which we made the strongest player play the third position whereas normally he would play the first position.There were a total of three singles and two doubles.We had to win any of the three line ups to clinch the champion' title. When the game started, my heart was pounding fast.I could hear the spectators, mostly my classmates and teachers, cheers.On the other side of the fence, I could hear my opponents supporters jeer, and that made me all the while more strong-willed to trash my opponent.I stared at my opponent and when we met eye to eye, I could see that he instantly cringe.The sight of him acting made me think I will have an easy win and I had become complacent of myself. However, many of my supporters and teammates had high expectation of me winning and that is an added pressure I had to manage.I told myself that I will have to

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