Explain Child Protection Within The Wider Concept Of Safeguarding

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CYP 3.3 1.2 Explain child protection within the wider concept of safeguarding children and young people. The term of child protection is mainly used where there has been an incidence of suspected harm or abuse, to a child or young person. Child protection in England and Wales is the overall responsibility of the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), they offer both non and statutory guidance to LA‘s. The term safeguarding, gives a wider definition of safe working practice within the settings we work in, to ensure that children are kept safe and healthy. Safeguarding is more about the prevention of children and young people, being at risk from significant harm, abuse or neglect. Safeguarding requires that all agencies…show more content…
Staff are all adequately trained in level ! Safeguarding, every 3 years, to keep them updated on the different types of abuse and neglect ,the indicators and signs of abuse and neglect, what to do in the event of a disclosure, how and what to record, who to inform and the process of data handling and what happens next in the process of child protection. There is a process and a system in place for child protection, which includes the process for recording incidents, concerns and referrals, the secure storing in compliance with Data protection legislation., confidentiality, and information sharing A code of behaviour to staff with regard consequences of breaching the confidentiality, linked to discipline and grievance. A complaints procedure, if adults and children want to voice their concerns about unacceptable and or abusive behaviour, etc. Systems in place to ensure staff are aware of what training is required regarding safeguarding and child protection, in line with legislation and their roles and responsibilities.…show more content…
Management of allegations made against staff- safeguarding policy Parenting contracts ( Personal , social and health education (PSHE) Recruitment and selection ( School security The head teacher is responsible for the implementation of the policy. That all staff appreciate the importance of security. Identify review and provide staff training,. Inform parents of the policy to encourage them to help provide a secure , safe school. Conduct risk assessments. Conduct ongoing security checks. Report all crimes to the police. Sex education SEN ( Staff appraisal Staff handbook Visitors in school Use of photographs /video whistle blowing) Work placement Physical intervention or restraint. Intimate care Internet safety -mobile phone bullying Local child protection and safeguarding

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