Child Labour: Is Child Labour Still Applicable To

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Behind the raising GDP of 8% per year, who is contributing to such rapid growth? Other than the property developers, without the cheap labour's blood and sweat, China can hardly attain such economic success.Among the cheap human effort, the problem of child labour is innegliable. Even though there is a gradual decrease of 35% in the number of child worker in Asia in twenty years time(Clark 2000), there are more than 60 million children between the age of five and fourteen worked as an underaged workers in Asia still. While China is developing its own economy, the problem of child labour should gradually be eliminated. Working overtime is a main concern about underaged labour. On basis of human right, child labour should not be employed, which the factory management forced them to work over a hundred hours a week without overtime pay or even underpaid. According to New Standards findings (2009), almost all adolescent workers have to work over 60 hours per week. Like the toys of Mcdonald's happy meal, they are being made by juvenile or child workers who are under 15 with the hourly payment of 1.5 yuan, and 16 hours a day under the sweatshop condition. In accordance to the ILO convention(1999), the minimum age for work should not be below the age for finishing compulsory schooling, which is generally 15. Such big multinational companies are not only law-breaking,but at the same time giving unfair treatment to the children. The measurement of human effort varies, however, hourly wage of 1.5 yuan is impossible for one to sustain his or her own living, or even their families'. Children were sent to work in order to help maintaining the family livelihood, since they have a better eyesight and 'nimble finger' to work. unfortunately, they were being underpaid in return. The children should not be exposed to a dangerous working condition at their childhood or

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