Child Abuse Essay

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Name: Savini Balroop Student’s I.D. number: 412002962 Course Code: Law 1410 Course Title: Legal Methods Research and Writing Coursework Assignment: Assignment 5 Research Project Date and Time of Submission: Wednesday 27th March, 2013. Tutor’s Name: Mrs Catherine Ramnerine TOPIC Do the laws of Trinidad and Tobago adequately protect children from abuse? INTRODUCTION The topic being discussed is whether the laws of Trinidad and Tobago adequately protect children from abuse. A child according to Article 1 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child is every human being below the age of eighteen years. Child abuse constitutes all forms of physical, emotional, ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or commercial or other exploitation, resulting in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, survival, development or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power. The area of law here is both civil where a judge in the family court decides whether the child will be returned to the custody of the parent(s), and criminal where the actions of the abuser and the punishment provided by law. Whenever child rights are being discussed, its effect results in controversies and defences attitudes being created as to whether the laws are sufficient or insufficient regarding child protection. The three major issues to be discussed regarding child abuse are firstly, whether the laws of Trinidad and Tobago is adequate in protecting children after they are abused. Secondly, whether the laws used to address child abuse in Trinidad and Tobago is adequate regarding corporal punishment. Thirdly, whether the laws used to address child abuse in Trinidad and Tobago is adequate regarding punishment of abusers. In order to converse these issues comparison would be done with cases, statutes and other sources of law from
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