Cherish Your Loved Ones

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Megan Lynch Mr. Winn ENG 101 9 Paragraph 21 January 2014 Cherish Your Loved Ones If I have learned anything in life, it’s to cherish your loved ones and the moments you spend with them. My mother discovered she was terminally ill with a life expectancy of only a few months. After surviving over sixty operations and years of treatment, it seemed like my mother was perfectly healthy and nothing would ever happen to her. I could see her watching me grow into adulthood. I pictured her playing with my children. In a way, all of us had taken the time we had with her for granted. Her illness caught up with her in May of 2011, and suddenly she was gone. There’s no preparing for it. After twelve years of survival, I still didn’t say everything I would have if she could be here for at least one more moment. If I could change the past, I would tell her how much I loved her every day. I’d tell her how grateful I am to be her daughter. As a teenager, it’s easy to put off spending time with your parents. But I would put off anything to spend all the time I had with her if I could go back. I think about her every day. Her favorite bird was the Red Cardinal. I see a lone one all the time perched on a tree branch or sitting on a fence post. It makes me feel as though she’s watching over me. Death happens to all of us randomly. It hurts when the people you love the most disappear forever, but regretting the time you lost while they were here hurts the most. Time is precious. Use it wisely with those who matter. You never know when they’ll be

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