Chaucer's Pilgrim's: Good Or Evil?

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There is a plethora of different types of people in the world. Some are more genial than others, some more diligent, some more gifted, and some even have better intentions than others. We live in a diverse world where not one person is the same as another. From reading Chaucer’s Tales, a very prominent theme that is presented in the tales would be that every person has good and evil inside of them, thus, Chaucer knew that people couldn’t be either good, nor evil, but instead a mix of the two. Saying that a person is either good or evil is like saying that a person has no thoughts at all. You cannot base a person as basically good or evil because we as people have both good and evil thoughts constantly. For example, we all love the people close to us and we wish them only the best, but at the same time, to those that have wronged us, we damn to hell. We as people have all thought about stealing something or hurting someone, which would be considered evil or wrong, but we also think about giving to others and helping ourselves achieve the most out of life, which is considered good. Chaucer saw this in people and knew that a person couldn’t be classified as good or evil because we are a mixture of both. He presented this very strongly in the way that he presented his pilgrims. He showed, for many of the pilgrims, that they had good intentions, such as the Pardoner. At the same time, he wasn’t afraid to show their evil side. The Pardoner is a prime example of his presentation of humans because he showed that he had good intentions, to help people and to pardon their sins, but he also had his evil side, which was to tell people that they have sinned simply to earn himself a few extra coins. But I ask this, is he really evil, or is he good? Chaucer didn’t think either or. He felt that a person is a person, no matter what they have done or how they think. He didn’t

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