Charles Babbage Analytical Engine

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1. How was unique about Charles Babbage Analytical Engine, compared to his original Difference Engine? The Difference Engine was created due to the idea of calculating series of values and printing results automatically in a table. The Analytical Engine, on the other hand, has further features compared to the Difference Engine, and most them can be seen found in the modern digital computer. First, the Analytical Engine could be programmed using punched cards, which means, programs could be programmed first and put on these cards; then, people would put it in the machine and let it run. Another significant feature was that the Engine had a “Store” where numbers and temporary results could be held; then, the arithmetic processing would be performed in a separate “Mill.” This Engine was also used to employ several modern functions such as conditional branching, looping, microprogramming, parallel processing, and so on. What role did Ada Lovelace play in the development of the Analytical Engine? Ada Lovelace was born in 1815 and could be seen as a person who admire Babbage and also understood the significant of his work, which others did not. Ada provided the detailed instructions for how the analytical engine would work. During the period of 1842-1943, she translated the memoir of an Italian mathematician named Luigi Menabrea on Babbage’s Analytical Engine. It includes in complete detail a method for calculating a sequence of Bernoulli numbers with the Engine, which would have run had the Analytical Engine been built. She is now recognized as the world’s first programmer. Why the Hollerith machine was not used in the 1910 Census? The U.S Census Bureau abandoned the use of the Hollerith machines because of its slowness and costliness in comparing to the new machine known as “Dehomag.” What is it about binary counting that makes it so well

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