Charactes in Oediupus

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In Oedipus the King, the protagonist is Oedipus. As we see in films, supporting characters interact with the protagonist helping the plot move forward. Oedipus’ encounters with secondary characters, Tiresias, Creon and Jocasta help advance the movement of the play. Both their actions and speeches towards Oedipus influence his way of thinking. King Oedipus sends his brother-in-law, Creon, to seek the advice of Apollo aware of the fact that a terrible curse has been put upon Thebes. Creon informs Oedipus that the curse will be lifted if the murderer of Laius, who was the king prior to Oedipus, is found and prosecuted. Laius is known to be murdered many years ago at a crossroads. Therefore, Oedipus assigns himself to discover and prosecute whoever it was that murdered Laius. Oedipus begins his quest by questioning a series of citizens. One of the citizens he requested to question was a blind man, Tiresias. Tiresias is known to have knowledge on who murdered Laius. The blind prophet Tiresias is led by a young boy to go speak to Oedipus. When they encounter each other, Oedipus begs him to reveal who Laius’s murderer is. However, Tiresias is reluctant to speak with Oedipus. “I will not bring this pain upon us both, neither on you nor on myself. Why is it you question me and waste your labor? I will tell you nothing.”(Line 370-373) Oedipus quickly becomes angered and begins to insult him. As of yet, the reader has never seen this side of Oedipus. He quickly becomes short tempered. “Indeed I am so angry I shall not hold back a jot of what I think. For I would have you know I think you were complotter.” (Line 390-393). After Oedpius starts to accuse Tiresias of the murder, he starts to give hints of his knowledge. He tells Oedipus that he himself is the curse. “I say you are the murderer of the king whose murderer you seek.” (415-416). The

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