Characteristics Of The Adulthood

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Characteristics of the middle Adulthood Insecurity at work Many middle age adults would have reached their peak positions and earnings in their career however they have financial burdens like child care expenses, housing loans and medical bill may still continue or even increase.(Santrock, 2009 ).For example a 45 year old technician with O lvls has to worry about paying monthly bill and increasing educational expenses for his growing child because his chances for promotion and pay increase is limited due to his age and education. Generativity vs. Stagnation According to Erikson, middle age adults are in Generativity vs. Stagnation stage where an individual’s main developmental task would be to guide the further generation or contribute to society. Failure at this stage for example; if an individual is preoccupied with selfish needs or desire, it could lead to a sense of dissatisfaction due to the lack of productivity. (Santrock, 2009 ).This can be a comment trend in Singapore since it’s a very competitive working environment here, Singaporean have to be very committed to hold their job security thus they end up neglecting generativity . .Sandwich generation According to Etaugh & Bridges middle aged adults are known to be sandwiched between generations, for they have to provide support to both young and older family members(Santrock, 2009 )..This is comment in Singapore as the housing is exceptionally high, most often grandparents, parents and children all live under one roof. The middle aged parent has to take care of both parties and in certain cases may not receive any support in return. Feeling old AS young adults in the prime of health, individuals take little consideration to a healthy lifestyle and thus they began to feel effects of ageing during Middle age Vision – Fozard & Gordon stated that between ages 40 and 59 the is a sharp decline in
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